Baptismal Font

To be baptized is to be plunged into Christ’s death and resurrection. Baptism is the gateway to the church and to life in Christ. The font is therefore placed directly in front of the main doors into the church–the place where we begin our journey to God.

The Font at the New Our Lady of the Rosary

Built from very rare purple marble with a bronze lid, the font was built in a Romanesque style and was salvaged from the church of St. Mary, Morning Star in Pittsfield Massachusetts. The simple cross surrounded by four circles was used as a new logo for our parish and was incorporated into the design of the pew ends. The baptismal font was a gift of the Mazur family.

The story of the font…

Fr. Longenecker and parishioner Sid Tate visited the church of St. Mary, Morning Star in Pittsfield Massachusetts along with the representatives of King Richard’s Church Design Company to see the stained glass windows we were planning to purchase for the new church.

St. Mary, Morning Star had once been a thriving parish, but due to demographic shifts the population of Catholics was no longer present. The rectory, school, convent and parish buildings had all been vacated and the church was closed.

Fr. Longenecker said “It was sad to walk through the abandoned church, but we were pleased to know that some of the treasures could be salvaged. After looking at the stained glass windows we found the font–part of a separate baptistry section of the church. I said to the men from King Richard’s ‘What’s happening to that font?’ They shrugged and said ‘I guess you can have it along with the windows.’

It was wonderful when the church was dedicated to welcome some parishioners from Pittsfield. One older man saw the font and said with tears in his eyes, “I was baptized in that font, me and my five children!” He was so happy it was still being used for the worship and glory of God.

Baptism at the Easter Vigil

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:27